Background on
Merchant Card International (MCI)
Merchant Card International is headquartered in Sarasota,
Florida on the west coast of Florida. With a National
presence of 55 offices across the United States, Merchant Card
International has a representative close to you.
Merchant Card International has more than 17 years of experience
in the transaction processing business. Our reputation, deep knowledge of
the industry, and knowing our competitor's programs allow us to be the
premier provider of merchant services. MCI's goal when becoming and registered
ISO/MSP of MasterCard and Visa was to partner with the industry leaders. We
are very happy to say that we have accomplished this goal. Having the most
aggressive pricing from our partners allows us to pass the savings to our
Lee Davis, President of Merchant Card International, has a
strong background of 30 years as a Executive
Vice-President, Regional Manager, District Manager, and Representative in
the transaction processing industry and believes in giving the best
processing program in the industry . He
understands what merchants go through daily and demands that MCI give full
support to the merchants across the US by all involved. MCI is built on the
foundation of complete honesty, and integrity and will never allow this
company to miss lead any merchant. Remember, Merchant Card International is
"A Name You Can Trust".
Our Promise
Merchant Card International is committed to the satisfaction
of our merchants. Our reputation is known for being professional, caring
and knowledgeable in our industry. If at any time you're not satisfied with
the service you are receiving from MCI or your representative, please call
our corporate office.
That's our promise!
Lee W. Davis, President